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"New Zealand Property Lawyers. Park Legal"

Litigation & Dispute Resolution



We help you to resolve the problem as soon as possible

We make every effort to explore any reasonable solution which can avoid the commencement of Court proceedings. The delay, expense, stress and uncertainty inherent in placing a dispute in the hands of a Court provide great incentive to finalise disputes early in a way in which the client retains control over the outcome.


Park Legal Barristers & Solicitors are committed to solving disputes at the earliest possible time. We belive it is always better to have resolution of disputes which will remove :


1. any prospect of further costs;

2. any emotional stress during often slow and costly litigation process;

3. any hidden risks associated with litigation generally.


However, sometimes, Court proceedings cannot be avoided because an acceptable solution cannot be reached during alternative dispute resolution process. Where the dispute is required to be resolved at the Court, we give clear, commercial advice about the strengths and weaknesses of the case.


We always work with you to achieve the best possible result.